
Kevin Matthews continua a destruir Bill DeMott

Em entrevista ao Fun Time Radio, Kevin Matthews continuou a destruir e a criticar o principal treinador do NXT Bill DeMott. Eis o que disse Matthews:.....

"It was a boot camp style, but pointless boot camp. There was guy there, Mike Taylor, who was in the army, he said this was way worse than any boot camp he's done in the army," recalls Matthews.

Detailing a typical day, Matthews states, "We were running two miles today, 500 Hindu squats, hundreds of crunches, hundreds of push-ups. We had thirty guys one time, or thirty-one, something like that, where he lined us up all around the ring, and he would do this pretty frequently, where he would want every single person to count off to ten push-ups. Do the math on that. You wanna do thirty-one times ten really quick? Who the fuck can do three-hundred-and-ten push-ups? You would do it until you collapsed. Guys were just dropping. I got to whatever; fifty, and some guys would get up to sixty, seventy or so. But then even guys like Oleg (Vladimir Kozlov), and these guys who were huge; everyone was dropping. And then if you dropped, Bill was like, "Get up! Keep going! Keep going!

"Like three-hundred-and-ten push-ups after two miles of running, and all the pointless crap. This was just needless cardio for the first hour-and-a-half and then it turns into the three-and-half-hours of in-ring drilling. I don't mean training, I mean drilling, where it's in repetition.

"Case in point, it's Angel Williams. Go do forty up-and-overs out of the corner. I'm going to shoot you in, up-and-over, go underneath, go to the other corner, up-and-over, underneath. And between twenty to forty of those. Angel Williams, like literally, did up-and-overs, until she blew out her patella tendon, and it snapped in half. Angel blew out her knee. Bill DeMott made her do the up-and-over drill, and then one day after doing fifty fucking up-and-overs, she needed to keep working on her up-and-overs. Her leg just blew out, tore her patella."
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