CM Punk nomeado o Dude da semana

O The New York Daily News nomeou CM Punk o seu "Dude of the Week". Esta escolha deve-se ao facto de CM Punk ter visitado no hospital a vítima de assalto, Tom Dotterer. O jornal indica:...

"For paying a surprise visit. The WWE star invited Tom Dotterer to a wrestling show Sunday, but the 77-year-old was admitted to the hospital for emergency surgery related to a gunshot wound to the eye he suffered in January during a robbery at his liquor store. Dotterer couldn’t make it to the WWE event so Punk (showing he’s hardly one) came to the hospital before the show for some spirit lifting. A letter Dotterer wrote, read by his son during a fund-raiser, showed he was thinking of Punk. Dotterer asked to be forgiven by those he “sarcastically ripped apart or had opinionated exchanges with."
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