
"Vince McMahon é um gênio", diz ex-criativo da WWE

Matt McCarthy, ex-criativo da WWE concedeu uma entrevista a falar dos balneários da empresa:

Sobre os planos de Mr. McMahon para o futuro: "I'm sure Vince knows what he would want to at WrestleMania 50 whether he's around to see it or not the writers standpoint, we try desperately to write out as far as out we can, and try to stick it as much as we can, and God knows the wrestlers would want us to. But, it's the nature of what that show is and what that business is that makes it very, very difficult."

Sobre a constante mudanças de planos: "You try to map out an entire grid of they're going to fight here this week, then next week this is going to happen, and that's going to lead to a PPV match. But, after the PPV, this is going to happen and that is going to happen (sigh), and it always changes every week," McCarthy said. "You try really, really hard - it's almost like predicting the weather. The further out it is, the less likely you're going to be right that it's going to happen."

Sobre Vince McMahon ser um gênio: "It's a small, simple little thing, but as a performer, it completely blew my mind," McCarthy said. "The bad guy was just beating up the good guy in the ring for this tag match and I hear Vince scream into the headset, 'Somebody put on a hold! Somebody put a hold on 'em! These people are dead!' And I'm like, 'What is he talking about?' Then, immediately, the bad guy puts the good guy in the headlock and they're just down on the mat. Like clockwork, the audience starts clapping and cheering; they're rooting for the good guy to get out of this hold. This guy (McMahon) is just sitting back here watching this on TV and he is genius at working the audience and getting them to do exactly what he wants them to do."
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