
ÚLTIMA HORA: Wrestling fora das Olimpíadas; Lutadores reagem e WWE faz campanha

Num movimento chocante e inesperado o Internation Olympic Committee (IOC) votarão num encontro na suiça para que o wrestling fosse retirado da agenda dos Jogos Olimpicos de 2020. O relações publicas da IOC Mark Adams disse que a decisão não se tratava com o que estava errado com o wrestling, mas sim o que era correcta para o núcleo dos 25 desportos.

A votação foi completamente secreta e durante várias rondas, sendo que os finais totais não foram revelados. Wrestling terá de competir com outros desportos para ser incluido nos Jogos de 2020, entre esses jogos estão basebol, softball, karate, patins em linha, wushu, escalada desportiva etc... A Associated Press acha muito improvavel que o wrestling volte a ser incluido pouco tempo depois de ser removido.

Bastantes lutadores falaram sobre este movimento com desagrado:

Kurt Angle: "I'm Shocked. Will Do an Exclusive Interview Later today. Wrestling Will Stay in Olympics."

Big E Langston: "The IOC's decision to drop wrestling in 2020 is baffling. I learned life lessons on the mat that I'll never forget."

Alberto Del Rio: "WHAT!!!!! ARE THEY Pinche CRAZY!!!!! Wrestling out of the Olympic Games... Wrestling is been in the Olympics since the beginning as a REAL sport... Wrestling is been part of the Olympic Games since the beginning. It's a beautiful sport! But I guess shooting a gun or forcing a horse to Jump over hedges is more of a sport than wrestling to the committee. This is not right!"

Bill Goldberg: "Say it isn't so!!!!!!!! IOC drops wrestling from 2020 Olympics"

Shane Helms: "What????? All the nonsense "sports" that are in the Olympics and they're gonna try and take wrestling out?? That's completely absurd. Apparently, jumping sharks is now an Olympic Event... It's too early to be this heated. Damn the IOC. Bunch of buttnuts."

Jeff Jarrett: "What!!?? An original Olympic sport!"

Ricardo Rodriguez: "So the Olympics are dropping Wrestling? One of the original sports? Como que what?! 'stan locos!... I wrestled when I was in school and hoped to one day make it to the Olympics. It's such a shame they have taken an original sport out! B.S.!"

Colt Cabana: "Wrestling is out of the Olympics....thank god, that fake sh-t sucks."

Tyson Kidd: "Can't understand the thought process when making a decision like taking wrestling out of the Olympics"

Fonte: Pro Wrestling Tuga

A WWE já tomou as frentes via twitter e promove junto a várias insituições de wrestling a hastag #saveolympicwrestling
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