
[Oficial] Novo membro do WWE Hall of Fame 2013

A WWE anunciou que o novo membro do seu Hall of Fame, classe de 2013 é Donald Trump....

Eis o comunicado oficial:

On Saturday, April 6, 2013, real estate mogul, best-selling author and perennial thorn in Mr. McMahon’s side Donald Trump will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame alongside Bruno Sammartino, Mick Foley, Bob Backlund and Trish Stratus in Madison Square Garden.

“Donald is a global icon whose status brought an unmatched level of publicity and grandeur to WWE,” WWE Chairman and CEO Mr. McMahon said.

The star and co-producer of the hit NBC series, "The Apprentice" — which premieres its 13th season on Sunday, March 3 — Trump has been a key figure in WWE since 1988 when his Trump Plaza hosted WrestleMania IV. The following year, WrestleMania V emanated from the same building, making it the first venue to present consecutive Show of Shows. (TRUMP'S FULL PROFILE)

The Donald’s most lasting impact on WWE occurred at WrestleMania 23 when he put his famous head of hair on the line against Mr. McMahon’s mane in a “Battle of the Billionaires.” A record number of viewers tuned in to see Trump back Bobby Lashley to victory over Mr. McMahon’s Umaga and then shave The Chairman’s head in front of more than 80,000 WWE fans.

“It was literally the thrill of a lifetime performing in front of 80,000 enthusiastic fans during the ‘Battle of the Billionaires’ match at WrestleMania 23,” Donald Trump said.

Trump wasn’t done with Mr. McMahon just yet as he returned in 2009 to purchase Monday Night Raw from his rival. The following week, The Donald presented the show commercial-free and gave every fan in attendance a full refund. Mr. McMahon was so incensed with Trump’s actions that he was cornered into buying his program back for twice the price. (PHOTOS OF TRUMP)
“I’ve always enjoyed and respected WWE’s brand of entertainment and look forward to the ceremony in my hometown at Madison Square Garden,” the Chairman and President of The Trump Organization said.
Eis o vídeo emitido no Monday Night RAW

 Donald Trump comentou a sua entrada no panteão ao dizer:

"Wow, I was just informed that I'm being inducted into the @WWE Hall of Fame-- a great honor -- 4/6/13 at @MSGnyc"
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