
Detalhes sobre o novo título da WWE - quem o ajudou a fazer e quando custa

O WWE.com publicou um artigo sobre o novo design do título da WWE. No artigo é revelado que foi Paul Teutul Sr. do Orange County Choppers o criador do título em conjunto com Dave Millican......

A WWE disse que a ideia de mudar o design do título foi tomada há 18 meses e o Senior Vice President of Creative Services Stan Stanski foi o responsável por esta mudança. Eis o que disse Stanski:

"Our idea was never to take a step back or do something predictable or expected. We wanted to evolve the brand and create something that’s never been done before. You don’t always know what a traditional title might represent. We wanted you to know immediately that this was the WWE Championship."

The article notes that WWE wants this title belt to stick around for a long time. More than $50,000 went into making the belt and it was mentioned that they had planned to unveil it at WrestleMania 28 but that obviously didn't happen. One of the earlier designs had a massive, 3D eagle that grasped the central WWE logo with its talons.
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