
Paul Roma compara CM Punk com Honky Tonk Man

O show Glorious" no ClubWWI.com de Paul Roma e James Guttman voltou a ser publicado. Eis os highlights do regresso:.....

One taboo subject that James Guttman has addressed in his own audios has been CM Punk. While Punk is an amazing wrestler, JG has pointed out that to a casual fan, he's a smaller guy that kind of looks like he smells like cigarettes. Guttman asks Paul Roma his opinion on Punk's look and Roma agrees.

"He looks like somebody who was dragged out of the tattoo parlor - kicks his feet up and is just chain-smoking cigarettes. Not somebody that you want your son to look like."

But then, Paul brings up an interesting point and references a past ClubWWI.com guest as the formula for Punk's success - even with average fans.

"But, at the end of the day, you have to look at him and look at Honky Tonk Man. Honky Tonk was a guy who had no body, but had a great gimmick and people wanted to see him get beat. So when he went out there and beat all these ex-champions and champions-to-be like Tito Santana, people were saying, "How can that be? How can he beating Tito? How can he be beating this guy? How can he be beating that guy?" And that's what had you coming back. Again, it's like Mike Tyson. You don't have to like him, but you're going to watch to see him get beat. If you do like him, you're gonna watch to see him not get beat. And that's the same thing with CM Punk. You said it. He doesn't have a physique. He' s just that less-than-average guy as far as physically looking at him and he goes out there and wins, wins, wins. And it drives the average joe out in the audience, that looks like him, to say, "Oh, I can do that, man. CM Punk is doing it and he looks like shit. I can do it. " The other people out there, who are jacked and in better shape physically, are saying, "When's this guy gonna get beat?" That's the philosophy that Vince is using with this dude."
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