
The Rock fala de enfrentar CM Punk na Rumble, Fimes, etc

The Rock respondeu a algumas questões de fãs no twitter. Eis os highlights:.....

His upcoming reality show on TNT: "I wanted to create @TheHeroTNT to entertain millions & give people a shot at personal greatness. We shoot in FEB!"

His movies coming out in 2013: "Im excited for all my 2013 movies: SNITCH, GI JOE, PAIN & GAIN & FAST 6. Tons of hard work & eager for you to see."

"Michael Bay's PAIN & GAIN is a very unique & cool movie. The most challenging role I've ever played. April 2013."

"FAST 6 is gonna be killer. Stakes are higher, cars are cooler and Im tougher than a 2 dollar steak well done."

What he wants for Christmas: "For Christmas I want what every man wants.. Silly manly toys, happy family, good food & good lovin'."

Facing CM Punk at Royal Rumble:"I can't wait to face @CMPunk for the @WWE Championship at Royal Rumble. Been training for months for this moment."
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