
Ex-lutador da WWE processa WWE mas pedido é indeferido

O antigo lutador do território de desenvolvimento da WWE, Brian Jack processou a WWE, Vince McMahon, Dr. James Andrews, John Laurinaitis, Ty Bailey, Kristin Actman, Santino Marella, Beth Phoenix, Shed Media USA e Kwik Trip Inc. Eis os detalhes do processo apresentado em tribunal:....

* He alleges he told WWE officials of hazing, sexual harassment and threats while working in developmental but was told to work it out with head Steve Keirn. He says Keirn broke his “neck, pelvis, backbone, thumb” and badly injured his leg.

* He claims WWE used Shed Media USA, who produced the recent season of Tough Enough, to make him believe he would be a contestant on the show to sign a contract that would release WWE of any and all liabilities before, during and after production of the series. Jack says when he asked the clause be removed, WWE told him they would send him a new contract and never did.

* Jack claims Santino Marella tried to get him to commit insurance fraud on his homeowner’s policy and that WWE wanted him to get into a "staged car wreck" so their developmental insurance wouldn’t take a hit.

* He says WWE sent him to James Andrews to get his leg fixed and that Andrews asked him bizarre questions and checked him for a wire. He says he’s still receiving bills from Andrews even though WWE told him to forward the bills to them.

 Segundo uma actualização de hoje, o processo não foi aceite em tribunal por falta de jurisdição.

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