
Jim Ross faz agradecimentos no Thanksgiving Day

Jim Ross postou em seu blog uma lista de coisas e pessoas as quais ele agradece no dia de Ação de Graças.

"The List: My health, my family, the fans, WWE, WCW (for leaving in 1993), Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole, Attitude Era, NXT, WrestleMania ("If I only broadcast one major event in 2013, I hope it's something at WM29 under the stars at MetLife Stadium. If not, I can take pride in saying that I had a little part in building the legacy of the event"), Legends Roundtables, JR's customers, JBL, OU, Bill Watts, Tribute to the Troops, Brisco & Hodge, Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, Twitter, WWE buying the Mid-South tape library, Monsoon & Heenan, and football."
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