
Entrevista de Kharma- Saída da WWE e o desinteresse em regressar à TNA

Kharma aka Amazing Kong falou a primeira vez sobre a sua saída da WWE e deu uma entrevista ao Diva Dirt. Eis os highlights:.....

On being offered a job by WWE in December 2010: "I did not see it coming. I was actually about 14 days away from announcing my retirement in wrestling. I got a call. I'll never forget, I was sick with a cold and I got a call from Tommy Dreamer and he asked if he could give my number to John Laurinaitis. And I said, 'Um, yeah!' Five minutes later I got a call from John Laurinaitis who spoke with me and offered me a position at WWE. I don't think I closed my mouth for a good 20 days."

On her WWE release: "Sometimes things aren't moving along as quickly as they need to be, and some things weren't progressing as quickly as they should have been. I think the release was actually a good idea and very appropriate. WWE, the world knows they don't just hire anyone. If they hire you, they're going to invest in you. They're going to apply any and every resource they have for anything that you're going through, so having said that, again, the timing just was there. My release was, in my opinion, appropriate."

On whether she would return to TNA: "I do appreciate the opportunities I was given by TNA, Dixie Carter and Terry Taylor. I appreciate my time there, it was good... until it wasn't. [Laughs] No [communication] whatsoever with them. I'm very grateful, they're the ones that introduced me to the US market, but that time is gone."
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