
Chavo Guerrero diz que a TNA tem o melhor roster do Mundo

O ex-WWE e actual TNA Chavo Guerrero deu uma entrevista ao Wrestling101.com e disse que a TNA tem o melhor roster da actualidade, superando empresas como WWE, ROH e New Japan, confira esse trecho na entrevista:....

“If you look at our roster compared to anybodies, WWE’s, New Japan, Ring of Honor, I think we have the best roster in the world right now.”

Tendo trabalhado para Eric Bischoff, Vince McMahon e Dixie Carter, Guerrero comparou os três patrões em termos de semelhanças e diferenças. Chavo disse:

"First of all they are all great businessmen and women, they are at the head of companies because being a business person you have to be able to make those hard decisions and make good decisions, so that’s the similarities," Guerrero said. "Differences, to me you have Vince McMahon who rules with fear, you better watch out or he’s going to cut your head off. Dixie Carter she rules with love and she is happy to have you on her roster and when you do well she lets you know about it. Eric Bischoff, he was kind of in the middle, sometimes he was very mean and wanted to bite your head off and other times you would go out for a beer with the guy."

Chavo falou sobre ter competido na World Championship Wrestling e disse, "Wrestling in WCW was awesome because I was so young and it was a great mix of wrestlers. We had older wrestlers that had been around since my dads time like Arn Anderson and Paul Orndorff then we had the younger generation wrestlers which included guys like William Regal and Fit Finlay, then there were the likes of Eddie, Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit, and even younger guys like Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho," said Guerrero.

"There was such a big mix of people that we really learned all different styles from all different eras. Every era of wrestling changes, it is always evolving, so we learnt so many different things and that’s what I took away with me the most from my time in WCW, it was just like going to school, I was at the Harvard for wrestling."

Guerrero also recalls being part of the Cruiserweight division in WCW, the final episode of WCW Monday Nitro, joining WWE, winning the WWE Tag Team Championship with Eddie Guerrero, working alongside Vickie Guerrero, comparisons of WCW to TNA Wrestling, and more. The full interview is available here.
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