
Chael Sonnen diz que cross armbreaker de Del Rio é a submissão mais perigosa da WWE

O WWE.com entrevistou o lutador do UFC Chael Sonnen sobre as manobras de submissão mais perigosas da WWE. Sonnen apontou o cross armbreaker de Alberto del Rio como a mais perigosa....

Sonnen que é um grande amigo e CM Punk disse:  "Punk is a submission whiz who trains with former UFC fighter, Shonie Carter in Chicago. Punk even has a gym in his basement now. He likes the Anaconda Vise. The Undertaker uses the gogoplata [known to WWE fans as Hell’s Gate]. The Figure-Four Leglock will crush a knee, but it is very intricate and difficult to set up. The standing Abdominal Stretch is applied on the ground in MMA and called a Twister. Again, it’s very difficult to set up, but brutal to be in. Alberto’s Cross Armbreaker is known as an armbar in MMA and it is a staple of every fighter’s repertoire."
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