Entrevista a David Otunga

David Otunga foi, recentemente entrevistado pelo site " ChicagoNow.com " onde fala da sua gimmick e de outros assuntos relacionados com a sua personagem ( para ver a entrevista completa clique aqui ) Eis os highlights:

"I was kind of turning into the A-lister and Hollywood star person but I'm more of a different character. I really am a lawyer and no one else is which sets me apart from everybody else. One day I went out to cut a promo and I was supposed to talk about something else but did the lawyer thing and they loved it. So we stuck with and it felt pretty good. I enjoy being in the ring and it was more excitement than anything to be back in that wrestling role. I am very goal oriented and want to see my character go to the top. I am hoping to have the creative freedom to do that and let it pan out the way I would like. It's exciting for sure and hopefully in the next few weeks my character continues to grow.  
Funny you should mention that because I’m drinking out of it right now. The thing about the coffee mug, is that it’s really me. One day I started using it on camera and people are led to believe it’s a part of my character. But it’s really me and not just my character's role.  
I guess it had to be the reality show (I Love New York). There was a lot more information that I could process at one time. The [recent WWE film he shot with Halle Berry] was unbelievably fun because it came to me second nature. With the WWE, the acting classes, and the improv I do it was very easy to blend in. The only major difference was me having to shave. I haven’t shaved in many, many years but it had to be done and it helped me get into character."
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