CM Punk fala de trabalhar com Paul Heyman e se tornar uma pessoa odiada

O WWE Champion CM Punk deu uma entrevista ao SunSport, Eis os highlights:...

For Punk, getting fans to react to his character is one of the best parts about being a WWE Superstar.
“Anytime I get to do stuff hands-on I’m more into it. To me I started to feel like I wasn’t where I should be at that stage, creatively. And I wanted to get there," Punk said. "To me it’s the name of the game – you have to evolve. You have to constantly change. I think the best wrestlers have always evolved."

He continued, “I’ve never been the same for too long, but my changes have always been extremely logical. I don’t just wake up one day and I’m a different character. I’ve pretty much always been the same guy, I’ve just dialed things up or dialed things down certain things based on the circumstances. It’s important to not be a phoney, to not just one day say one thing and then the next day say another. Then people will never buy you’re whole stick if you are that wishy-washy.”

A little over a year after referencing himself as a "Paul Heyman guy" during his infamous speech chastising WWE brass, Punk is now aligned with the man. He said, “I’m very excited about it. It’s pretty crazy to me. We’ve never gotten to work together in front of the camera.

"I have worked with him extensively behind the camera. I think a lot of people are in for a treat."

Punk also dismissed people who feel he shouldn't have a mouthpiece.

“Rick Rude didn’t need anyone to talk for him, and Paul Heyman was his manager. Bobby Heenan didn’t need to talk for Ric Flair. Those are two examples of great duos," said Punk.

“You’ll just have to wait to see what happens.”
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