
Tyler Reks deixa a WWE; comenta a saída via twitter

Tyler Reks e a WWE estiveram em acordo, hoje a tarde, para a saída do lutador da empresa do Connecticut. O perfil dele foi movido do Smackdown para a área alumni. Confirmações para breve. Ele está na empresa desde 2007 e chegou a competir no último Smackdown, que poderia significar um push para a tag team que compõe, ao lado de Curt Hawkins.

Ele deixou um extenso comentário via twitter:

"I just want to say thank you to WWE, Inc. for allowing me to be part of an incredible entertainment experience. On Monday, I asked for my release and the company was gracious enough to grant my request.

"I realized recently that being a Superstar means sacrificing certain things, including time with my family. As a new father, my heart broke every time I had to leave to go on the road. I didn't ever want to miss another moment with my daughter, so I made the decision to be a full time dad and hang up my boots.

"I will miss everyone in the locker room tremendously as they have all become a second family to me. I want to thank my coaches and teachers that really helped me along the way: Fit Finlay, Arn Anderson, Edge, Christian, Kane, Jericho, Dr. Tom, Norman Smiley, and Billy Kidman.

"I also want to thank my boys. You know who you are. Especially though, a huge thank you to Hawkins. You were like a brother to me the last year and I'll miss you and will always love you bro. I wish you the best and thanks for understanding that I had to go be a dad. When she's older, and able to realize what happened, I know Mia will thank you as well.

"Thanks to all the dedicated fans of #ReksAndHawkins and to The #RekkingCrew. I would never have survived without you.

"For anyone interested, I am currently the owner of an Internet Marketing Company that specializes in Search Engine Optimization, Pay-Per-Click, Website Design, and Reputation Management. You can find my company here: http://www.localm2.com/.

"If you need any of our services, don't hesitate to contact me. And yes, there's even a cartoon on the multimedia page ;)."
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