
Reacções da divisão feminina da TNA à saída de Angelina Love

A lutadora mais condecorada da TNA, Angelina Love anunciou no Domingo que iria sair da companhia. Ao longo da semana muitas foram as afirmações das suas ex-colegas no twitter. Eis os comentários:....

Velvet Sky: "Such a damn shame!! So much left to do there! I know you're gonna move on to big things bud, good luck and as always I love u!!"

Madison Rayne: "I'll miss seeing your beautiful face. I can't WAIT to see the awesome things you're about to accomplish though."

Tara: "Good luck @ActualALove! You will have success no matter where your journey takes you."

Traci Brooks: "No doubt Angelina Love was one of the best KOs (being canadian and all). I know she'll succeed at whatever lies ahead!"

Rosita: "I love Angel so much and it's gonna suck not being able to work with her and have the great times we have at work BUT I will see her elsewhere and she is such a beautiful and talented woman she will excel in ANYTHING she choses to do next! I had my dark match with her. That was the match that got me signed. I will forever be grateful to her for being so awesome to me as a friend and co-worker."
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