
Ex-campeã sai da TNA

A antiga campeã feminina da TNA por cinco ocasiões Angelina Love disse no twitter que pediu à TNA a saída da companhia e esta aceitou libertá-la. Angelina disse no twitter:...

"To all my wonderful fans, just want to let you know I have been granted my release from TNA. It was completely amicable parting of ways and I want to thank TNA and all of its employees for the wonderful journey I've had there over the years. Now I'm on to the next amazing chapter of my life! If you are looking to book me please contact John at john@spectacularsignings.com Thank you so much!"

Velvet Sky que fez com Angelina parte da stable "The Beautiful People," comentou a sua saída da TNA ao dizer, "Such a damn shame!! So much left to do there! I know you're gonna move on to big things bud, good luck and as always I love u!!" Sky wrote on Twitter.

Love respondeu a Sky, "I love u with all my heart, we did something so amazing with TBP and the memories from that will last forever! I cherish our friendship so much, thank you for EVERYTHING Ebud!!"
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