
Tara responde a acusação de Kenn Doane que ela dormia com John Cena

Como reportado a semana passada, Kenn Doane afirmou que John Cena tinha um caso com uma diva da WWE que era casada com alguém fora do negócio. Com a junção de indicações dadas por Kenn já que ele não disse o nome directamente essa diva seria Tara, ex-Victoria na WWE. Ontem Tara respondeu a essa acusação e numa entrevista à F4W disse: ....

"I want to address this both professionally and personally. Professionally, you hear people talk about 'backstage politics' in wrestling. I'll tell you what that means to me. Backstage politics is not some kind of psychological maneuvering. You work and travel with your wrestling co-workers more than you want to work and travel with anyone. The people who complain about backstage politics generally don't have the ability to respectfully interact with others.

"I treat everyone with respect. Everyone. Ask the caterers, building security, wrestlers, executives, crew, fans, anyone, who I don't treat with respect and they would be at a loss for words. And because you spend so much time with these people, you know a lot about the people who you travel with and work closely with. I found that the best way to not make waves is to keep my eyes and ears open, and my mouth shut when it comes to other people's business.

"The people who complain that they were the victim of backstage politics often either don't show people respect, or bud into other people's business.

"On a personal level, what KD said was mostly false, although there was a little truth.

"I have been with my husband for 20 years. He's the best guy in the world. But like any 20 year relationship, we have some good times and we have had some bad times. And anyone who I traveled with knows that. Because you learn intimate details about each other whether you want to or not.

"We have separated a few times. One of those times that we were separated, I dated John for about a month. It was not in 2006 or 2007. It was in 2002. It was when we were both in Louisville. I was married but separated. John was single. I was never his 'road girlfriend'. I know that when we were separated, my husband also dated a couple girls. That's what happens when you are separated.

"In 2002, it was common knowledge that John and I dated. It fed the rumor mills for people who have nothing better to do than gossip like old ladies. So for KD to use bits of information that he was only able to pick up because he was allowed in the inner circle of WWE, and smear me, when I only treated KD with respect, over an incident that he is upset about from 5 years ago, tells me that he didn't learn anything about 'backstage politics' and how it relates to being a decent human being.

"Moving forward, I'm a glass-is-half-full kind of girl. Only my glass isn't half full. My glass is 99% full. I am blessed. And I'm done discussing the 1%."
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