
Namorada de Matt Hardy critica Sid por presença no RAW mas ataca a ser acatada por Sunny e Shannon Moore

A namorada de Matt Hardy, Reby Sky criticou Sid Vicious por participar no RAW e disse que ele não precisava de ter destaque depois de no ano passado ter faltado a vários eventos independentes. Reby disse:....

"That piece of sh*t Sid no-shows almost EVERY show in the last yr but prances onto Raw. Please tell us again how much u LOVE "the business," she wrote on Twitter after seeing him appear on television. "Guess he managed not to "lose his wallet" this time. Sad thing is, now that he got 10 more mins of fame he'll get more bookings to NO-SHOW."

"F*CK people like that. You f*ck with peoples' time, money & professional integrity because you're too much of a douche to keep your word.

"I'm all for hustlin, but BLACKMAILING promotors into giving you more $ after threatening not to show then STILL not showing after they do...

"Makes me sick. ."

Diga-se que Vicious não compareceu a um evento onde iria enfrentar Matt Hardy no Pro Wrestling Syndicate a 9 de Março, tendo dito que lhe roubaram a carteira e não conseguiu viajar. Como resposta, o promotor ligou para Sid durante o show para este ouvir os apupos do público.

Quem não gostou das afirmações de Reby foi a WWE Hall of Fammer Tammy "Sunny" Sytch que disse:

"WOW! Just read something about Reby Sky, who is only known for being Matt Hardy’s girlfriend going off about my good friend Sid Vicious…Like she has room to talk? Who is she? NO ONE! And she was completely disrespectful to the locker room at a show I was on with her… OOOHH just WAIT til I see her again..sh*t’s gonna fly!"

"One thing I've always stood by, you always show respect for those who have seniority in this business.. she's too dumb and ignorant to know that.

"I was raised Old-school by the right people, and she deserves an Old school ass whipping.... she disrespected me and the entire locker room on the show I was on with Matt... I'll never say I was on a show with HER. Matt and I have been friends for years....I'm surprised she hasn't learned a little bit."

"Regardless if he no-shows or not, someone like her has no right to disrespect someone like him! Sid likes to play his softball...everyone knows it."

Quem também defendeu Sid foi Shannon Moore que no twitter dissee

"Sid is great. He worked with 3 Count in WCW and worked hard. If you have been in the biz for 3 min your opinion don't fn count. Thanks Sid!!"

"Why do people that have done nothing in the biz want to trash legends. Karma is a bitch.Shut up if you trying to actually make it !"

"@WWEHOFerSunny You proved your point and made a big impact for the chicks.They have no clue what being a Pro is."

Sky haveria de responder a Sunny ao dizer no facebook:

"So the fact that I don't agree with how someone conducts themselves professionally gives another a right to threaten me ? Everyone has a "Sunny story", but no one can ever say I'm anything but professional & respectful to everyone I've ever worked with / beside ... unless they're mad. YOU MAD ?

In any case, I believe I owe you a thank you, Sunny, as I was recently offered a movie role that was written for you - but since you were too unreliable - was passed on to me. Perhaps if you weren't more concerned with doing things that landed you in H*zelden that would have never happened, but I guess reliability isn't a priority for you. Or Sid.

It's a small world, and if you're that anxious to see me again I'm sure there are plenty out there who would be more than happy to arrange that. If you can manage to show up, that is."

Depois de todos estes comentários, foi a vez de Sid se defender e dizer, "You guys do not realize how much last night meant to me. It felt great. It was the greatest moment of my life. Thank you! #RAW"

"Everyone is asking if that was my last WWE appearance. I am not sure yet. I will keep you updated."

"Reby Sky can say whatever she wants. I don't mind. Since when has her opinion on me mattered?I'm not going argue or stoop to her level.Sorry"

"@WWEHOFerSunny Do not worry about her. Not worth out time. Thank you though. Thank you and I understand. Doesn't matter what people say though. I loved being on RAW. Bottom line."
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