
Maxine confirma saída da WWE pretende não voltar ao wrestling

Maxine confirmou os rumores que davam conta da sua saída da WWE. Maxine disse no twitter:....

"We have come to terms on my release. Its been a ride I want to thank WWE for the experience and understanding on my feelings," Maxine wrote. "Its not easy saying goodbye. But there are other options at wich I can do. To my fans you may not see me on the WWE screen but on another(;."

"I want to do nothing but get the real chance to entertain all of you...sometimes you have to make that chance for yourself!!

"I want to take all of you with me...so I hope you all understand why i made my decision."

Maxine disse ainda eu não pretende continuar no ramo do wrestling., "Im not going to another wrestling company that is not in my plans!!! I didnt ask for my release to go to another company."

De acordo com o PWInsider.com, Maxine deixou a WWE por a WWE não apostar nela e a não deixar evoluir mais do que aquilo que mostrou no NXT.
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