
Jim Ross fala da sua doença, Michael Cole, John Cena e novo NXT

Jim Ross voltou às publicações no seu blog, Eis os highlights:.....

Michael Cole: "For those that keep asking, I am not a hater of @michaelcole but I, better than most, know how challenging his job is in today's multi platform, serve many master's, Monday Night Raw. 'Hate' is such a strong emotion especially for anything involving a TV show. Why not save our 'Hate' for things like cancer, children's issues, starvation, etc? To dislike...fine. To HATE..not so good."

His involvement with the "new" NXT: "I got tons of tweets this week from fans who enjoyed the new, NXT. I worked on all of the first four broadcasts and appear in the main event segments in the next round of four shows. Partnering with William Regal was an enjoyable experience as we tried to make the show about the talents by using objectivity and honesty and not being the "Battling Bickerson's." The job of every broadcaster in this genre is to enhance and better represent the talents in ways in which the viewer will emotionally invest and not roll their eyes in absurd disbelief."

Mockery of his affliction with Bell's palsy: "Amazing how some jerk-offs on Twitter are either making fun of me for having Bells palsy or blaming me for what appears regarding it on TV. If it doesn't bother me at this point in time in my life then why should it bother others? I have long since stepped away from my issues with Bells and refuse to allow it to dictate any phase of my life to me. It will not define me. When I'm told to "grow a set" I'd suggest to those tools that I grew "a set" long ago specifically when I walked to the ring to broadcast a Wrestlemania main event with half my face hanging and I had to hold it up to speak to where I could be understood. I can only surmise that those making these cowardly remarks are younger, defiant males and if that assumption is true I am truly worried about the future with those individuals as potential leaders in our world. However, perhaps I shouldn't be worried as people like this are rarely successful or viable contributors in any society. My life is too blessed to worry about what turds say on Twitter about me or what occurs on a satirical skit in an entertainment based, TV show. Lighten up, Francis!"

John Cena: "Congrats to @JohnCena for granting his 300th Make-A-Wish which is an amazing accomplishment. Not sure many realize how challenging it is to interact with terminally ill children but take it from me it's sobering, memorable and life changing. I can remember every Make-A-Wish that I've done over the years and I'm no where close to 300. These are the bravest kids in the world. No matter if one likes Cena's TV persona or not this isn't about a TV show or a TV character but about life and death reality. John Cena should be saluted for his efforts."

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