Antigo lutador da WWE diz que Mickie James foi despedida da WWE após terminar namoro com John Cena

Kenn Doane, aka Kenny Dykstra continua a sua onda de comentários no twitter e agora o tema foi Mickie James e o seu relacionamento com John Cena. Kenn disse:...

"She was googling mickie james and john cena dating. I asked why, she broke down crying. Then I heard more from others. She was checking to see if it was on the net yet," Doane recalls. "I feel bad for magnus. Nice guy dating a .... well u know."

"He was messing with MJ so I got moved to Smackdown so they could further mess. I jobbed, got fired. When MJ got crazy because he wouldn't date her, she then got fired. Weird biz huh? She got title, on TV show while with him. Serves her well though."

"She wanted to date him, he said no, she flipped out backstage which led to her demise."

"When they were together she got the title, TV roles. When he dumped her she became Piggy James, then fired."

' He also alleges that Cena lied to Huberdeau about his relationship with James: "He denied it all to [her]."

"I made mention of him sleeping with MJ and he probably thought I wouldn't say anything. But I did and he is mad. I guess,"

"What they do is their biz, but it's also mine when it effects my career and life."

"If I spoke out it would have ruined my chance of returning to WWE," he explains why he's coming out with these heavy statements after many years. "Now I'm set with what I'm doing and don't care if I get banned."

"I'm ruining any chance of a WWE return by doing this I'm sure. But it doesn't matter to me."

"I have no heat towards him. He has heat towards me. I really don't care either way. I'm just being honest," Doane says. "Truthfully I do like john, but if u ask me a question im gonna answer it truthfully. Not my fault he did dumb shit. #youcanthandlethetruth!"
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