
WWE duvida se Triple H recuperará da lesão do braço

O WWE.com publicou novo artigo sobre a storyline de Triple H e o ataque de Brock Lesnar e no artigo em causa, a companhia põe em dúvida a recuperação total de Triple H para este responder a Brock. Triple H irá actualizar a sua recuperação no RAW da próxima semana....

O artigo em questão diz:

"What Lesnar did was more impactful than the previous injuries because of the way the former UFC Heavyweight Champion maliciously bent The Game to his will in a way the future Hall of Famer and now COO has never experienced before (if you're curious as to just how painful Lesnar's Kimura Lock is, take it from one of the greatest fighting families of all time: it is as devastating a maneuver as there is).

It’s easy to understand the concern of some that, while Triple H may physically recover, he’ll have trouble shaking the mental aftereffects of the attack. True, he will not be himself on Raw SuperShow this Monday, but that’s because physically he can’t be. The Game won’t level Lesnar with a Pedigree or swing his sledgehammer at his attacker because a) Lesnar quit WWE last Monday and, more importantly, b) he is physically unable to do so. Triple H will have obstacles to overcome beyond the physical rehabilitation process.

Mentally, he will have to overcome replaying the bone-snapping attack in his mind, the way ut has been replayed on WWE television around the globe. It’s likely the memory of Lesnar’s intentional assault will linger with him for some time, and this is the point where the aftershock is the strongest. Triple H will be at Raw SuperShow Monday, but he will be more vulnerable, in all senses of the word, than we’re used to seeing him."
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