
Paul Heyman não fala da Extreme Reunion e confirma participação no DVD de CM Punk

Paul Heyman recusou comentar no twitter o desastroso evento Extreme Reunion que aconteceu no passado fim-de-semana e confirmou a participação no DVD de CM Punk. Eis o que disse Heyman:...

"I've had a ton of people ask me about #ExtremeReunion... and I haven't said a word about it. Not a word in advance. And certainly nothing to say about it now. I didn't comment on TNA's Hardcore Justice in advance, nor after the show, either. Nothing to say about that, either. I chose not to participate in either show, or any other attempt to re-live #ECW, so I don't feel it would be right 4 me to comment on it."

"If you're involved, speak your mind. If you take a pass on something, STFU. Just another voice bitching with the rest. #NotMyStyle I haven't done any conventions. No shoot tapes. No paid autograph signings. Nothing wrong with 'em. Just #NotMyStyle So ... I have kept my mouth shut about #ExtremeReunion. I wasn't there, so who am I to say anything?"

"I was interviewed for the Austin DVD. I'm honored 2b interviewed for the @CMpunk DVD as well"
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