
Regresso de John Morrison à WWE ainda este ano!?

Na última edição do Power Slam relata John Henning (a/k/a John Morrison) onde deu a entender aos amigos que irá voltar à WWE no final deste ano. A ex-WWE Superstar afirmou durante uma entrevista para o Poughkeepsie Journal no último mês passado que a "porta estaria sempre aberta" para ele voltar à companhia.

I left on really good terms with everybody and what I wanted to do was take time off to heal, get refreshed and take a little vacation. Shows like this are a fun show and a way to keep sharp. I really like wrestling. That's why I do it, disse Henning do seu combate contra Finlay no "Northeast Wrestling." I was working a 250-plus day a year schedule and I wanted to be refreshed. Right before I left, I felt like I was going to work. I wasn't enjoying it as much as when I started. I'm excited to come to Poughkeepsie and do all this stuff. That's the kind of attitude you need to have in sports entertainment.
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