
Reacções ao Extreme Rules no twitter

Após o Extreme Rules, várias foram as personalidades a darem o seu comentário ao show, eis os melhores:....

Nikki Bella: "Words can't describe how I feel right now.... Tears fill my face.... Can't believe Lil B is gone :( I don't like @mslayel N #ExtremeRules"

Santino Marella: "I will admits Miz was tuffer than I forspected but the cobra was ready tonight !"

Zack Ryder: "Take that Kane!"

Howard Finkel: "My respect goes out to all of the WWE Superstars who were a part of tonight's Extreme Rules PPV...They left it all in the ring!!!..Kudos!!!"

Mick Foley: "Damn, hate to see a guy like @johncena ..or any guy for that matter, seriously injured. Get well soon, John."

"Wow, easy match-of-the-year candidate with @CMPunk and @IAmJericho . If the main event delivers, this will be one of the shows of the year."

Jim Ross: "Aggressive start w/ hard work by Orton and Kane. Orton w/ RKO on chair in the ring does it. Chicago crowd looks/sounds great."

"Say what you want naysayers but Brodus Clay is an athletic big man. Ziggler fans remember...the cream rises to the top."

"Daniel Bryan might be the best, pure, multi talented pro wrestler in WWE right now. If he's not the best, he's close."

"Punk w/ a @ShawnMichaels like elbow off top turnbuckle onto Jericho who was on Spanish announce table. Damn. Heck of a Chicago Street Fight. Punk wins w/ GTS. Excellent match.
Physical. @CMPunk & @IAmJericho especially earned their pay in a big way tonite."

"Layla returns from a LONG physical rehab stint to win the Divas Title in what was essentially a handicap match vs the Bella's."

"Credit also goes to Brock Lesnar in a losing effort. Loved his offense. Cena endured an amazing beating. Both men are legit beasts."
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