
Eric Bischoff critica Bret Hart e este responde

Eric Bischoff que já teve em Bret Hart um bom amigo, criticou este no twitter ao tecer o seguinte comentário: "Another sad, bitter person. Too many of them in this business." 

Não é a primeira vez que Bischoff crítica Bret tendo há dois anos atrás dito numa entrevista: "I feel sad for Bret, because Bret is one of those people, and there are a lot of them, he's the type of person that needs someone to hate in order to feel significant himself." 

Bret Hart respondeu aos comentários de Bischoff ao dizer: "Just had an awesome Sunday dinner w/my wife & two boys. Nothing "sad" & "bitter" about that. ;) #lifeisgood" "Maybe somebody could mail Bischoff a copy of the "Greatest Rivalries" DVD"
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