
John Cena: "The Rock is Back"

John Cena fez uso do twitter para comentar o concerto de The Rock dado no RAW. Cena disse:

He didnt need em on his hand he had lyric sheet, and then they were on jumbotron, but @therock is back! And #WM28 its on! Best v Best 4/1/12"

"Desperate times call for desperate measures. I take nothing personal. Truly glad to see @therock back! He needed that tonight #WM28"

"He had fun! I had fun watching it, like i said, i just want to beat the greatest of all time at #WM28 not some dude whos nervous. No excuses"

"It is what it is. #riseabovehate Music stand wont save him on #4/1/12"

The Rock não respondeu a John Cena e preferiu elogiar o público que esteve no show ao dizer "Cleveland - thank U for an unforgettable & record setting night. Biggest sell out crowd in WWE history. #RockConcert2012."
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