
Bret Hart prevê heel turn de John Cena

Bret Hart em entrevista ao The Sun fez uma previsão da Wrestlemania. Bret indicou que o combate Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk seja o melhor combate da noite e que Undertaker derrote Triple H,

Sobre John Cena vs. The Rock, Bret disse:

"The build-up has been quite good," Hart said of the Rock - Cena match-up. "The Rock seems like not only is he looking in great form, but he is looking in great form. At the same time Cena has been classic Cena. I'm quite intrigued to see what happens."

"I think Cena's going to come out on top because I think he's the franchise guy right now," Hart predicted. "I wouldn't be the least bit surprise if Cena has some sort of role reversal — the fact that all the fans are against him so much. I can't see him being a villain or a heel, but at the same time wouldn't that totally blow everyone away?"
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