
Randy Orton: 'I Need To Work On My Promos'

Na Edição de Fevereiro da WWE Magazine tem como destaque Randy Orton numa entrevista onde na qual é confrontado com alguma coisa a acrescentar na sua carreira, ou se lhe falta algo mais. Ele responde Promos

Palavras de Orton:
I can cut a better promo. I don't know if I'll ever be a guy who goes out there like John Cena and get away with telling jokes and then bring it back around to being serious. I honestly don't know if I have that much range. It's not me, but that's not a problem," he says.

"I definitely could be better on the stick, though. Is it affecting me in a negative way? I don't think so. Other than Cena, there's no one on the roster who's been champ as many times as I have."
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